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Pavel Brazdil

Pavel Brazdil is a senior researcher of LIAAD INESC TEC, Porto and since 2008 Full Professor of the Faculty of Economics (FEP) of University of Porto (UP). In 2019 he was attributed the status of Professor Emeritus of U.Porto. P.Brazdil obtained his PhD in the area of machine learning in 1981 at the University of Edinburgh. Pavel Brazdil is a founder of an internationally known Machine Learning/Data Mining group that exists since 1988. Some of its members continue their activity in the Laboratory of AI and Decision Support (LIAAD), which is one of the centres of INESC TEC. In his teaching activity has taught courses on Information systems, Data Mining and Text Mining.  Although he has officially retired in mid-July 2015, he continues his R&D activities and supervision of post-graduate students (17 PhD students in the past and currently 1 other). Since the 1990’s he has been pioneering the area of metalearning and supervised various PhD students in this area. He is a co-author of a book on Metalearning, that has more than 800 citations. The second edition of the book on Metalearning was published in March 2022.

Besides, has edited 6 books and/or proceedings and published  more than 110 papers referenced on Google Scholar, of which about 80 are also on ISI/DBLP/Scopus. His articles have obtained more than 6500 citations on Google Scholar and his h-index there is 38.  Pavel Brazdil is, since 2008, a Fellow of EurAI, The European Association for Artificial Intelligence (formely ECCAI).

Main Research Lines

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), Data Mining, Neuro-symbolic Learning;
  • Metalearning, Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML), Automatic Selection and Configuration of ML Algorithms/Workflows/Pipelines; 
  • Text Mining, Extraction of information from text, Automatic summarization.

CV on CiênciaVitae


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