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Artigos em Revistas Internacionais com Revisores


João Mendes-Moreira, Alípio M. Jorge, J. F. D. Sousa, C. Soares, Comparing state-of-the-art regression methods for long term travel time prediction, Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 16 (3), pp. 427-449, 2012 [ISI, DBLP]

2 M. G. C. Resende, R. F. Toso, José F. Gonçalves, R. M. A. Silva, A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the Steiner triple covering problem, Optimization Letters, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 605-619, APR 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
3  José F. Gonçalves, M. G. C. Resende, A parallel multi-population biased random-key genetic algorithm for a container loading problem, Computers & Operations Research, 39 (2), pp. 179–190, FEB 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
4 Alberto Pinto, João P. Almeida, A. Portela, Golden tilings. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 364 (5) pp. 2261-2280, MAY 2012, [ISI]
5 Alípio Mário Jorge, Paulo J. Azevedo, Optimal leverage association rules with numerical interval conditions, Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol: 16 (1), pp.25-47, 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
6 B. Sousa, Bruno M. P. M. Oliveira, M.D.V. de Almeida, Growth trends in boys and girls (10– 17 years-old) from autonomous region of Madeira, Portugal between 1996–1998 and 2007–2009, Annals of Human Biology, Vol. 39 (6): pp. 526–529, 2012. [ISI]
7 Pedro Quelhas Brito, Teen conceptualization of digital technologies, New Media & Society, Vol. 14 (3), pp.513-532. [ISI, DBLP]
8 Pedro Quelhas Brito, Tweens’ Characterization of Digital Technologies, Computers & Education, Vol. 59 (2) pp. 580–593.  [ISI, DBLP]
9 C. Castro, M.J. Bento, N. Lunet, Pedro Campos, Assessing the completeness of cancer registration using suboptimal death certificate information, European Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 21 (5), pp. 478-479, Sep 2012 [ISI]
10 Adelaide Figueiredo, Goodness-of-fit for a concentrated von Mises-Fisher distribution, Computational Statistics, Vol. 27 (1), pp. 69-82, MAR 2012 [ISI]

José Maria Martins, Alberto Pinto, N. Stollenwerk, Stationarity in Moment Closure and Quasi-Stationarity of  the SIS model, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 236 (2), pp. 126–131, APR 2012 [ISI

12 J.N. Fidalgo, Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, Fostering microgeneration in power systems: the effect of legislative limitations, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 84 (1), pp. 181-186, MAR 2012 [ISI]
13 Jeffrey E. Schaller, Jorge M. S. Valente, Minimizing the weighted sum of squared tardiness on a single machine, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 39 (5), pp. 919-928, MAY 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
14 João Mendes-Moreira, Carlos Soares, Alípio Mário Jorge, and J. F. Sousa. Ensemble approaches for regression: A survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 45, 1, Article 10 NOV 2012, 40 pages [ISI, DBLP]
15 Jorge M. S. Valente, J. E. Schaller, Dispatching Heuristics for the Single Machine Weighted Quadratic Tardiness Scheduling Problem, Computers & Operations Research Vol:39 Issue:9, 2223–2231. SEP 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
16 Miguel Ferreira, I.P. Figueiredo, Bruno M.P.M. Oliveira, Alberto Pinto, Strategic optimization in R&D investment, Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, Vol. 61 (8), Special Issue: SI pp. 1013-1023, 2012 [ISI
17 Márcia D. B. Oliveira, João Gama, A Framework to Monitor Clusters' Evolution Applied to Economy and Finance Problems, Intelligent Data Analysis 16(1), pp. 93-111 (2012). [ISI, DBLP]
18 Márcia D. B. Oliveira, João Gama, An Overview of Social Network Analysis, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 99-115, MAR-APR 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
19 Alberto Pinto, Miguel Ferreira, B. F. Finkenstädt, Bruno M.P.M. Oliveira, and A. N. Yannacopoulos, On the convergence to Walrasian prices in random matching Edgeworthian economies, Central European Journal of Operations Research,  Vol. 20 (3), Special Issue: SI, pp. 485-495, SEP 2012 [ISI]
20 Pedro P. Rodrigues, Learning from ubiquitous data streams: Clustering data and data sources, AI Communications, 25(1), 69–71 [ISI, DBLP]
21 Rui Camacho, R. Ferreira, N. Rosa, V. Guimarães, Nuno A. Fonseca, Vítor Santos Costa, M. Sousa, A. Magalhães, Predicting the secondary structure of proteins using machine learning algorithms, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Vol. 6 (6), pp: 571-584, 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
22 S. M. T. Silva, Jorge M. S. Valente, A. A. C. Teixeira, An Evolutionary Model of Industry Dynamics and Firms’ Institutional Behavior with Job Search, Bargaining and Matching, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination Vol.7 (1), pp.23-61, MAY 2012 [ISI]
23 X. Romão, Rui Gonçalves, A. Costa and R. Delgado, Evaluation of the EC8-3 confidence factors for the characterization of concrete strength in existing structures, Materials and Structures, Vol. 45 (11), pp. 1737-1758, NOV 2012 [ISI]
24 A. Freitas, T. Silva-Costa, F. Lopes, I. Garcia-Lema, A. Teixeira-Pinto, Pavel Brazdil, A. Costa-Pereira, Factors influencing hospital high length of stay outliers, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, Vol. 12 (265), AUG 20 2012 [ISI]
25 I. Žliobaitė, A. Bifet, M. Gaber, B. Gabrys, João Gama, L. Minku, K. Musial, Next challenges for adaptive learning systems, SIGKDD Explorations, Vol. 14 (1), June 2012 [DBLP]
26 Brett Drury, Luís Torgo, J. J. Almeida, Classifying News Stories with a Constrained Learning Strategy to Estimate the Direction of a Market Index, International Journal of Computer Science & Applications, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 1-22, JAN 2012 (2012) [DBLP]
27 João Vinagre, Alípio M. Jorge, Forgetting mechanisms for scalable collaborative filtering, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Vol. 18(4), pp. 271-282,  Springer 2012 [DBLP]
28 Nuno Escudeiro, Alípio M. Jorge, D-Confidence: an active learning strategy to reduce label disclosure complexity in the presence of imbalanced class distributions, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, pp.1-20, 2012 [DBLP]
29 A. Singh, Jorge M. S. Valente, M. R. A. Moreira, Hybrid Heuristics for the Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Quadratic Earliness and Tardiness Costs, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol. 3, pp. 327-333.
30 B. Barbosa, Pedro Quelhas Brito, Do open day events develop art museum audiences?, Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol.27 (1), pp.17-33, FEB 2012
31 Paula Brito, A. P. Duarte Silva, Modelling Interval Data with Normal and Skew-Normal Distributions, Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 39 (1), pp. 3-20.
32 Brett Drury, J.J. Almeida, M. H. Morais, Construction and maintenance of a fuzzy temporal ontology from news stories, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, Vol. 6 (3), pp. 219-233
33 D. D. Pinheiro, Alberto Pinto, S. Z. Xanthopoulos, A. N. Yannacopoulos, A projected gradient dynamical system modeling the dynamics of bargaining, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
34 D.D. Pinheiro, Alberto Pinto, S.R. Pliska, Optimal life insurance purchase, consumption and investment on a financial market with multi-dimensional diffusive terms, Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research
35 Adelaide Figueiredo, F. Figueiredo, N. Monteiro, O. Straume, Restructuring in privatised firms: a Statis approach, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 23, pp. 108-116.
36 João Gama, Raquel Sebastião, Pedro P. Rodrigues, On evaluating stream learning algorithms, Machine Learning. 
37 João Gama, A Survey on Learning from Data Streams: Current and Future Trends, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1 (1), Springer 2012 
38 José F. Gonçalves, Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, A Multi Population Genetic Algorithm for Hop-Constrained Trees in Nonlinear Cost Flow Networks, Optimization Letters, Online June 2012.
39 M.S.R. Monteiro, Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, F.A.C.C. Fontes, Concave Minimum Cost Network Flow Problems Solved with a Colony of Ants, Journal of Heuristics, Online November 2012. 
40 P. Abreu, João Mendes-Moreira, I. Costa, D. Castelão, L. Reis, J. Garganta, Human versus virtual robotics soccer: A technical analysis European Journal of Sport Science, Vol.12 (1), pp.26-35, 2012
41 Raquel Sebastião, M. M. Silva, R. Rabiço, João Gama, T. Mendonça, Real-time algorithm for changes detection in depth of anesthesia signals, Evolving Systems, Springer (2012). 
42 Pedro Campos, M. Campos, P. Freitas, J. A. Jorge, Foot-turistic multimedia: designing interactive multimedia installations for shoe shops, Multimedia Tools Appl. 61(2): 471-487 (2012) [DBLP]
43 M. N. Caldevilla, M.A. Costa, Paulo Teles, P. M. Ferreira, Evaluation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model to Portuguese, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Jun 2012

Artigos em Revistas Nacionais com Revisores


1 G. Nunes, I. Mota, Pedro Campos, Policentrismo Funcional: Uma avaliação dos municípios Portugueses, Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais N.º 29, APDR

Comunicações em Actas de Conferências Internacionais com Revisores


I. Boldt, L. Lapão, Pedro P. Rodrigues, A. Freitas, R. Cruz-Correia, "Poor quality of Hospital Information Systems audit trails". Editor(s): A. Rocha, J.A. CalvoManzano, L.P. Reis, M.P. Cota, in Proceedings of the 7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2012), Madrid, SPAIN, pp: 584-589, 2012 [ISI]

2 Luís Moreira-Matias, João Gama, Miguel Ferreira, L. Damas, "A predictive model for the passenger demand on a taxi network", in Proceedings of the 2012 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp: 1014-1019, 2012 [ISI]   
3 A. Jorge Morais, E. Oliveira, Alípio Mário Jorge, “A Multi-Agent Recommender System”, in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, DCAI 2012”, S. Omatu, J. F. P. Santana, S. Rodríguez-González, J. M. Molina, A. M. Bernardos, J. M. C. Rodríguez (Eds.), Salamanca, Spain. Advances in Soft Computing, Springer 2012,  pp. 281-288, March 2012, [ISI, DBLP]
4 M., J. Alves, Rui Camacho, P. Soares, L. Pereira, "From Networks to Trees", in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 154, pp: 129-136, 2012 [ISI, DBLP]
5 S. Krishnaswamy, João Gama, M. M. Gaber, "Mobile Data Stream Mining", K. Aberer, A. Joshi, S. Mukherjea, D. Chakraborty, H. Lu, N. Venkatasubramanian, S. Kanhere (Eds.), in 13th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2012, Bengaluru, India, IEEE Computer Society 2012, pp. 360-363 [DBLP]
6 C. M. Oliveira, Pedro P. Rodrigues, "The Relevance of DICOM-RT in Radiotherapy Information Systems: Preliminary results from a national survey", in HEALTHINF 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, E. Conchon, C. M. B. A. Correia, A. L. N. Fred, H. Gamboa (Eds.), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 1 - 4 February, SciTePress 2012, pp. 131-136 [DBLP]
7 Bruno Nogueira, Alípio  M. Jorge, S. Rezende, "Hierarchical Confidence-based Active Clustering", in S. Ossowski, P. Lecca (Eds.), in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2012, Riva, Trento, Italy, March. ACM, pp: 535-537, 2012 [DBLP]
8 M. A. Domingues, F. Gouyon, Alípio Mário Jorge, J. P. Leal, João Vinagre, L. Lemos, M. Sordo, "Combining usage and content in an online music recommendation system for music in the long-tail", In Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web (WWW '12 Companion),  A. Mille, F. L. Gandon, J. Misselis, M. Rabinovich, S. Staab (Eds.), Lyon, France, April 16-20, (Companion Volume). ACM 2012, pp: 925-930 [DBLP]
9 Ricardo Campos, G. Dias, Alípio Mário Jorge, C. Nunes, "Enriching temporal query understanding through date identification: how to tag implicit temporal queries?", in Proceedings of the 2nd Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb '12), R. A. Baeza-Yates, J. Masanès, M. Spaniol (Eds.), Lyon, France, April, ACM 2012, pp: 41-48. [DBLP]
10 Alípio Mário Jorge, João Mendes-Moreira, J. F. de Sousa, Carlos Soares, Paulo Jorge Azevedo, "Finding interesting contexts for explaining deviations in bus trip duration", in Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XI - 11th International Symposium, IDA 2012, J. Hollmén, F. Klawonn, A. Tucker (Eds.), Helsinki, Finland, October, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7619 Springer 2012, pp: 139-149 [DBLP]
11 Bruno Nogueira, Alípio Mário Jorge, S. Rezende, "HCAC: semi-supervised hierarchical clustering using confidence-based active learning", in Discovery Science -  Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, DS 2012, J. Ganascia, P. Lenca, J. Petit (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7569 Springer, pp: 139-153, Lyon, France, Outubro, 2012. [DBLP]
12 Ricardo Campos, G. Dias, Alípio Mário Jorge, C. Nunes, "GTE: a distributional second-order co-occurrence approach to improve the identification of top relevant dates in web snippets", In Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM '12), X. Chen, G. Lebanon, H. Wang, M. J. Zaki (Eds.), Maui, HI, USA, pp. 2035-2039, October 29 - November 02, 2012. ACM 2012 [DBLP]
13 Paula Brito, M. Chavent, "Divisive Monothetic Clustering for Interval and Histogram-Valued Data", in ICPRAM 2012 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods", Vol. 1, P. L. Carmona, J. S. Sánchez, A. L. N. Fred (Eds.), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 6-8 February, 2012. SciTePress 2012 pp: 229-234 [DBLP]
14 Petr Kosina, João Gama, "Handling Time Changing Data with Adaptive Very Fast Decision Rules", P. A. Flach, T. Bie, N. Cristianini (Eds.), in Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2012, Bristol, UK, September 24-28, 2012. Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7523, Springer 2012, pp. 827-842 [DBLP]
15 Petr Kosina, João Gama, "Very Fast Decision Rules for multi-class problems", S. Ossowski, P. Lecca (Eds.), in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2012, Riva, Trento, Italy, March 26-30. ACM 2012: pp. 795-800 [DBLP]
16 F.A.C.C. Fontes, Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, L.A.C. Roque, "An Optimal Control Approach to the Unit Commitment Problem", in Proceedings of the 51th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2012, December 10-13, Maui, HI, USA. IEEE 2012, pp:7069-7074 [DBLP]
17 L.A.C. Roque, Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, F.A.C.C. Fontes, "BRKGA adapted to multiobjective unit commitment problem Solving Pareto frontier for UC multiobjective Problem using BRKGA SPEA2 NPGA and NSGA II techniques", in  ICORES 2012 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, C. J. Luz, F. Valente (Eds.), Vilamoura, Portugal, February, SciTePress 2012, pp: 64-72 [DBLP] 
18 G. Bacelar-Silva, Pedro P. Rodrigues, "Applying TOC buffer management in health information systems to improve hospital performance", in HEALTHINF 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, E. Conchon, C. M. B. A. Correia, A. L. N. Fred, H. Gamboa (Eds.), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 1 - 4 February, SciTePress 2012, pp. 345–349 [DBLP]
19 I.C. Moreira, G. Bacelar-Silva, Pedro P. Rodrigues, "Compliance of publicly available mammographic databases with established case selection and annotation requirements", in HEALTHINF 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Vilamoura, Portugal, E. Conchon, C. M. B. A. Correia, A. L. N. Fred, H. Gamboa (Eds.), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 1 - 4 February, SciTePress 2012, pp. 337–340 [DBLP]
20 Rui Leite, Pavel Brazdil, J. Vanschoren, "Selecting Classification Algorithms with Active Testing", P. Perner (Ed.), in Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition - 8th International Conference, MLDM 2012, Berlin, Germany, July 13-20, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7376, Springer 2012 [DBLP]
21 Luís Moreira-Matias, João Mendes-Moreira, João Gama, Pavel Brazdil, "Text Categorization Using an Ensemble Classifier Based on a Mean Co-association Matrix", P. Perner (Ed.), in Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition - 8th International Conference, MLDM 2012, Berlin, Germany, July 13-20, 2012. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7376, Springer 2012 [DBLP]
22 Rita P. Ribeiro (2012), "Towards Utility Maximization in Regression", in 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDM Workshops, J. Vreeken, C. Ling, M. J. Zaki, A. Siebes, J. Yu, B. Goethals, G. I. Webb, X. Wu (Eds.), pp. 179-186. IEEE Computer Society. December, 2012. [DBLP]
23 Carlos Ferreira, João Gama, Vítor Santos Costa, "Predictive Sequence Miner in ILP Learning",  S. Muggleton, A. Tamaddoni-Nezhad, F. A. Lisi (Eds.), in Inductive Logic Programming - 21st International Conference, ILP 2011, Windsor Great Park, UK, July 31 - August 3, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7207, Springer 2012, pp: 130-144 [DBLP]
24 M. Ferreira, R. Fernandes, H. Conceicao, P. Gomes, P. d'Orey, Luís Moreira-Matias, João Gama, F. Lima, L. Damas, "Vehicular Sensing: Emergence of a Massive Urban Scanner", F. Martins, L. M. B. Lopes, H. Paulino (Eds.), in Sensor Systems and Software - Third International ICST Conference, S-Cube 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, June 4-5, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 102, Springer 2012 pp: 1-14 [DBLP]
25 Luís Moreira-Matias, Carlos Ferreira, João Gama, João Mendes-Moreira, J.F.d. Sousa, "Bus Bunching Detection by Mining Sequences of Headway Deviations", P. Perner (Ed.), in Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects - 12th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2012, Berlin, Germany, July 13-20. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7377, Springer 2012 pp: 77-91 [DBLP]
26 M. Rodrigues, João Gama, Carlos Ferreira, "Identifying Relationships in Transactional Data", J. Pavón, N. D. Duque-Méndez, R. Fuentes-Fernández (Eds.), in Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2012 - 13th Ibero-American Conference on AI, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, November 13-16, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7637, Springer 2012 [DBLP]
27 Carlos Ferreira, João Gama, Vitor Santos Costa, Vladimiro Miranda, A. Botterud, "Predicting Ramp Events with a Stream-Based HMM Framework", J. Ganascia, P. Lenca, J. Petit (Eds.), in Discovery Science - 15th International Conference, DS 2012, Lyon, France, October 29-31, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7569, Springer 2012 [DBLP]
28 Luís Moreira-Matias, João Gama, M. Ferreira, João Mendes-Moreira, L. Damas, "Online Predictive Model for Taxi Services", J. Hollmén, F. Klawonn, A. Tucker (Eds.), in Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XI - 11th International Symposium, IDA 2012, Helsinki, Finland, October 25-27, 2012. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7619, Springer 2012 [DBLP]
29 Z. F. Siddiqui, Márcia D. B. Oliveira, João Gama, M. Spiliopoulou, "Where Are We Going? Predicting the Evolution of Individuals", J. Hollmén, F. Klawonn, A. Tucker (Eds.), in Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XI - 11th International Symposium, IDA 2012, pp: 357-368, Helsinki, Finland, October 25-27. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7619, Springer 2012 [DBLP]
30 Orlando Ohashi, Luís Torgo, “Wind speed forecasting using spatio-temporal indicators”, in ECAI 2012 - 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Including Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS-2012) System Demonstrations Track, IOS Press, pp. 975-980, August 2012, ]DBLP]
31 Orlando Ohashi, Luís Torgo, "Spatial Interpolation using Multiple Regression", in 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2012, M. J. Zaki, A. Siebes, J. Yu, B. Goethals, G. I. Webb, X. Wu (Eds.), Brussels, Belgium, December 10-13, 2012. IEEE Computer Society 2012 pp. 1044--1049 [DBLP]
32 Nuno A. Fonseca, Vítor Santos Costa, Rui Camacho, "Conceptual Clustering of Multi-Relational Data", in Inductive Logic Programming - 21st International Conference, ILP 2011, S. Muggleton, A. Nezhad, F. A. Lisi (Eds.), Windsor Great Park, UK, July 31 - August 3, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7207, Springer 2012, pp. 145-159, [DBLP]
33 D. O. Cardoso, M. Gregorio, P. M. G. Lima, João Gama, F. M. G. França, "A Weightless Neural Network-Based Approach for Stream Data Clustering", H. Yin, J. A. F. Costa, G. A. Barreto (Eds.), in Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2012 - 13th International Conference, Natal, Brazil, August 29-31, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7435, pp: 328-335, Springer 2012 [DBLP]
34 R. Reis, P. Escudeiro, Nuno Escudeiro, "Educational Resources for Mobile Wireless Devices: a Case Study", in 2012 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, March 27-30, 2012. IEEE 2012: 264-267 [DBLP]
35 P. Escudeiro, Nuno Escudeiro, "Evaluation of Serious Games in Mobile Platforms with QEF: QEF (Quantitative Evaluation Framework)", in IEEE Seventh International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2012, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, March 27-30, IEEE 2012, pp: 268-271 [DBLP]
36 R. M. M. Vallim, J. A. A. Filho, A. C. P. L. F. Carvalho, João Gama, "A Density-Based Clustering Approach for Behavior Change Detection in Data Streams", A. C. Lorena, C. E. Thomaz, A. T. R. Pozo (Eds.): 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, October 20-25, IEEE 2012, pp. 37-42 [DBLP]
37 Luís Moreira-Matias, R. Fernandes, João Gama, M. Ferreira, João Mendes-Moreira, L. Damas, “An Online Recommendation System for the Taxi Stand choice Problem (Poster)”, in 2012 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference, VNC 2012, Seoul, Korea (South), November 14-16, 2012. IEEE 2012, pp: 173-180 [DBLP]
38 Paula Brito, G. Polaillon, "Classification Conceptuelle avec Généralisation par Intervalles", in Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2012), Actes, Y. Lechevallier, G. Melançon, B. Pinaud (Eds.), janvier 31 - février 2012, Bordeaux, France, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information RNTI-E-23 Hermann-Éditions 2012, pp: 113-118 [DBLP]
39 P. Alves, Pedro Campos, E. Oliveira, "Modeling the Trustworthiness of a Supplier Agent in a B2B Relationship", in Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services - 13th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2012, L. M. Camarinha-Matos, L. Xu, H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 380 Springer, Bournemouth, UK, October 1-3, 2012. 675-686 [DBLP]
40 Elaine R. Faria, R. C. Barros, João Gama, A. C. P. L. F. Carvalho, "Improving the offline clustering stage of data stream algorithms in scenarios with variable number of clusters", S. Ossowski, P. Lecca (Eds.), in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC, Riva, Trento, Italy, March 26-30, ACM 2012, pp. 829-830 [DBLP]
41 Brett Drury, J.J. Almeida, "The Minho Quotation Resource", N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, T. Declerck, M. U. Doğan, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istambul, Turkey, 23-25 May, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp. 2280-2285 2002 [DBLP]
42 Pedro P. Rodrigues, João Gama, "Holistic distributed stream clustering for smart grids", In Workshop on Ubiquitous Data Mining, ECAI 2012. Montpellier, France.
43 R. Matos, Pedro Campos, "The effect of prejudiced memory in strategies for social interaction", in IADIS ISA 2012, (IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems), MCCSIS2012, Lisboa,  Julho de 2012 
44 Ricardo Campos, Alípio Mário Jorge, G. Dias, C. Nunes, "Disambiguating Implicit Temporal Queries by Clustering Top Relevant Dates in Web Snippets", in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence (WIC 2012), Macau, China. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA , 2012.
45 Adelaide Figueiredo, "Comparison of methods for clustering of variables defined on the hypersphere", in CFE 2012 and ERCIM 2012. p. 135.
46 U. Skwara, José Martins, P. Ghaffari, M. Aguiar, J. Boto, N. Stollenwerk, "Fractional calculus and superdiffusion in epidemiology: shift of critical thresholds", in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2012), Eds: J. Vigo-Aguiar et al., Vol. 3, pp. 1118–1129, 2012.
47 U. Skwara, José Martins, P. Ghaffari, M. Aguiar, J. Boto, N. Stollenwerk, "Applications of fractional calculus to epidemiological models", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012 (ICNAAM-2012), Eds: T. E. Simos et al., AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1479, pp. 1339–1342, 2012.
48 T. Pereira, Dalila B.M.M Fontes, "Group Decision Making for selection of an Information System in a Business Context", in DA2PL - from Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning, Mons, November 2012.
49 F.A.C.C. Fontes, Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, A.C.D. Caldeira. "Obstacle avoidance in optimal switching of a formation geometry". In CONTROLO 2012,Funchal, 16-18 July 2012
50 I. Boldt, L. Lapão, Pedro P. Rodrigues, A. Freitas, R. Cruz-Correia, "Poor quality of Hospital Information Systems audit trails", in Proceedings of the 7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), pp. 584–589. Madrid, Spain: AISTI.
51 Pedro P. Rodrigues, A. Bifet, S. Krishnaswamy, João Gama, "Special Track on Data Streams", in Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,  p. 794. Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy: ACM.
52 Carlos Ferreira, João Gama, Vladimiro Miranda, A. Botterud, "Probabilistic ramp detection and forecasting for wind power prediction", in 12th Intern. Conf. Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, IEEE Xplore 2012. 
53 Raquel Sebastião, M. M. Silva, R. Rabiço, João Gama and T. Mendonça, "Online evaluation of a changes detection algorithm for depth of anesthesia signals", in 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, (BMS 2012), Budapest, Hungary. 2012. 
54 Raquel Sebastião, M. M. Silva, João Gama, T. Mendonça, "Contributions to a Decision Support System Based on Depth of Anesthesia Signals", in  Processing and managing medical data streams, in conjunction with the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System, Roma, Italy, 20-22 Jun. 2012. 
55 Hadi Fanaee Tork, Márcia D. B. Oliveira, João Gama, S. Malinowski, Ricardo Morla, "Event and anomaly detection using Tucker3 decomposition", in Workshop UDM-ECAI 2012, pp 8-12, Montpellier, France, 2012
56 Luis Moreira-Matias, Carlos Ferreira, João Gama, João Mendes-Moreira, J. F. Sousa, "Bus Bunching Detection: A Sequence Mining Approach", in Workshop UDM-ECAI 2012, pp 13-17, Montpellier, France, 2012 
57 Carlos Ferreira, João Gama, Vitor Santos Costa, Vladimiro Miranda, A. Botterud, "Predicting Ramp Events with a Stream-based HMM framework", in Workshop UDM-ECAI 2012, pp 28--32, Montpellier, France, 2012 
58 A. Lopes, João Mendes-Moreira, João Gama, "Semi-supervised learning: predicting activities in Android environment", in Workshop UDM-ECAI 2012, pp 38-42, Montpellier, France, 2012 
59 G. Dias, J. Moreno, A. Jatowt, Ricardo Campos, "Temporal Web Image Retrieval", L. Calderón-Benavides, C. N. González-Caro, E. Chávez, N. Ziviani (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science  -  SPIRE2012: 19th edition of the International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval. Cartagena, Colombia. October 21 - 25, Springer, Vol. 7608, pp. 199 - 204, 2012 
60 I. C. Morgado, A. C. R. Paiva, J. P. Faria, Rui Camacho, "GUI reverse engineering with machine learning", Proceedings of the 2012 First International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering (RAISE), June, pp. 27-31 2012

Comunicações em Actas de Conferências Nacionais com Revisores


C. Matias, Pedro Campos, "Uma Abordagem Mista Micro-Macro para Tratamento do Segredo Estatístico em Dados Tabulares", in XIX Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Março 2012

2 Pedro Campos, F. Tedim, "Evolutive Dynamics of Forest Fires in Portugal: an application of a bivariate Dynamic Time Warping", in XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Universidade Católica, Porto, Setembro 2012
3 M. Mata, L. Pacheco, Pedro Campos, "Contributo da Análise de Dados no desenvolvimento de um modelo de rating interno", in XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Universidade Católica, Porto, Setembro 2012
4 Adelaide Figueiredo, P. Gomes, "Classificação de variáveis definidas na hiperesfera através de um modelo de mistura", in XX Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, pp. 281-285.
5 Adelaide Figueiredo, P. Gomes, "Clustering of variables defined on the hypersphere: a comparison of methods", in Joint meeting of the y-BIS and jSPE, pp.161-162.
6 Adelaide Figueiredo, P. Gomes, "Selection of variables defined on the hypersphere", in 6thWorkshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation and 3rd Portuguese-Polish Workhop on Biometry, p.84.
7 Márcia D.B. Oliveira, João Gama, "Trajectories of Evolving Communities in Social Networks", in JOCLAD 2012, pp. 128-132 
8 M. Rodrigues, João Gama, Carlos Ferreira, "Identifying relationships in transactional data", in XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatistica, Porto, Portugal, 2012 
9 Márcia D. B. Oliveira, João Gama, Hadi Fanaee Tork, "Anomaly detection from telecommunication data using three-way analysis", in XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatistica, Porto, Portugal, 2012

Autoria e Edição de Livros


João Gama, M. F. Santos, N. Marques, P. Cortez, Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, Workshop on Ubiquitous Data Mining. ECAI Workshop Proceedings 

2 João Gama, A. P.L. Carvalho, K. Faceli, A. C. Lorena, Márcia D. B. Oliveira, Extração de Conhecimento de Dados, 2012, Edições Silabo

Comunicações (Orais) em Encontros Científicos Internacionais

1 João Gama, Pedro P. Rodrigues, "Learning from Distributed Data Streams", November 2012, IBERAMIA - Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
2 Pedro Quelhas Brito, "Pre-teens and teens conceptualization of Electronic Games and Internet", IDCTA2012 - Jeju, Korea, June 2012
3 Pedro Quelhas Brito, B. Barbosa, "Word-of-mouth communication among children: An exploratory analysis", 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, December 2012, Milan, Italy
4 Pedro Quelhas Brito, Márcia Gonçalves, "The impact of different levels of in-game advertising on the attitudes of teens and tweens", 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, December 2012, Milan, Italy
5 Pedro Quelhas Brito, "Analytical framework of advertising content for tourism destinations", 19th international conference on RECENT ADVANCES IN RETAILING AND SERVICES SCIENCE July 2012, Vienna, Austria
6 Bruno M.P.M. Oliveira, Alberto Pinto, Miguel Ferreira. "Strategic optimization in R&D Investment", [Oral]. 18th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. 2012 Jul 23-27, Barcelona, Espanha.
7 Bruno M.P.M. Oliveira, Alberto Pinto, Miguel Ferreira, B. F. Finkenstädt, A. N. Yannacopoulos, "Random matching Edgeworthian economies trading in the core via a prisoners dilemma", [Oral]. 9th AIMS Conference. 2012 Jul 01-05, Orlando, Estados Unidos da América.
8 Bruno M.P.M. Oliveira, Alberto Pinto, Miguel Ferreira, "Strategic optimization in R&D investment with uncertainty in the investment", [Oral]. 9th AIMS Conference. 2012 Jul 01-05, Orlando, Estados Unidos da América.
9 Paula Brito, “Taking Variability in Data into Account: Symbolic Data Analysis”, Complex World Tutorials, TU Delft, 21st June 2012.
10 Paula Brito, “ Au delà des résumés d'observations individuelles: analyse de distributions”, Workshop in honour of Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture, Namur, Belgium, May 16th 2012.
11 Paula Brito, “Introduction to Symbolic Data Analysis: Data representation and analysis issues”, Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, December 13th 2012.
12 Paula Brito, “Analyzing distributional data: clustering and regression approaches”. Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, December 13th 2012.
13 Sónia Dias, Paula Brito, “New Developments in Linear Regression Models with Histogram-Valued Variables”. Third Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis, Madrid, Spain, November 7th to 9th, 2012.
14 A. P. D. Silva, Paula Brito, “Discriminant Analysis of Interval Data: Parametric Versus Distance-Based Approaches”, 3rd Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis, Madrid, Spain, November 7th to 9th, 2012.
15 G. Giordano, Paula Brito, “Analysing Social Networks \protect \linebreak with Symbolic Data Analysis”, 3rd Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis, Madrid, Spain, November 7th to 9th, 2012.
16 M. Noirhomme-Fariture, A. Teh, Paula Brito, “Two Quantile Visualisation Methods for Symbolic Data”, Third Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis, Madrid, Spain, November 7th to 9th, 2012.
17 G. Giordano, Paula Brito, “Network Data as Complex Data Objects: An Approach using Symbolic Data Analysis”. Analysis and Modeling of Complex Data in Behavioural and Social Sciences - Joint meeting of Japanese and Italian Classification Societies. Anacapri, Capri Island, Italy, September 3rd to 4th, 2012.
18 M. Noirhomme-Fariture, A. Teh, Paula Brito, “Quantile visualisation for complex data analysis”. COMPSTAT 2012, Limassol, Cyprus, August 27th to 31st, 2012.
19 Sónia Dias, Paula Brito, “Linear regression models in data frameworks with variability”. COMPSTAT 2012, Limassol, Cyprus, August 27th to 31st, 2012.
20 M. Ichino, Paula Brito, “The data accumulation PCA to analyze periodically summarized multiple data tables", COMPSTAT 2012, Limassol, Cyprus, August 27th to 31st, 2012.
21 Paula Brito, F. Grilo, "From Micro to Macro Data : Analyzing Unemployment by Symbolic Data Analysis". V European Congress of Methodology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 17th-20th, 2012.
22 A. P. D. Silva, Paula Brito, “MAINT.Data: Parametric Modelling and Analyzing Interval Data in R”. 1ères Rencontres R, Bordeaux, France, July 2nd-3rd, 2012.
23 M. Noirhomme-Fraiture, T. Amouh, Paula Brito, “Visualisation des Quantiles pour des Données Symboliques”. Journées Big Data Mining and Visualization, Tours, France, June 18th-19th, 2012.
24 Paula Brito, “Beyond summaries of individual data: analyzing distributions”. Symposium on Learning and Data Science, Florence, Italy, May 7th- 9th, 2012.
25 F. Grilo, Paula Brito, “Analyzing Unemployment Data by Symbolic Data Analysis”. Workshop on Data Mining in Official Statistics, held as part of the SIAM 2012 Data Mining Conference, Anaheim, California, April, 26th-28th, 2012.
26 João P. Almeida, "Anosov and renormalized circle diffeomorphisms", The 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA (07/2012).
27 João P. Almeida, "Anosov diffeomorphisms and golden tilings", The 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA (07/2012).
28 João P. Almeida, "Anosov diffeomorphisms on surfaces". International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, ICDEA2012, Barcelona, Spain (07/2012).
29 João P. Almeida, "Renormalization gives all surface Anosov diffeomorphisms with a smooth invariant measure", International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications ICDEA2011, Troi-Rivières, Canada (07/2011).
30 Alberto Pinto, "Resort Pricing and Bankruptcy", The 18th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA2012), Barcelona, Spain, (2012);
31 Alberto Pinto, "Dynamics of Human Decisions", International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, USA, July (2012).
32 Alberto Pinto, "On the convergence to Walrasian prices in random matching Edgeworthian economies", International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, USA, July 2012.
33 Alberto Pinto, "Uncertainty effects in resort prices", The 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications Orlando, Florida, USA, July (2012)
34 Brett Drury, J.J. Almeida, "Predicting Market Direction from Direct Speech by Business Leaders", SLATE 2012
35 João Gama, "Challenges on Mining Evolving Data Streams, From Data to Knowledge: Machine Learning with Real-time and Streaming Applications", Universidade da California, Berkeley, Maio 2012.
36 João Gama, "Data Stream Mining for Ubiquitous Environments", 36th Annual Conference of the German Classication Society, German, Aug 2012
37 João Gama, "Stream Mining for Ubiquitous Environments", Conference on 100 Years of Alan Turing and 20 Years of the Slovenian Articial Intelligence Society (SLAIS) 11 October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia
38 João Gama, "Evolving Social Networks: trajectories of communities", IV international Workshop on Web and Text Intelligence (WTI - 2012) a workshop co-located with Brazilian Conference on Intelligent System - BRACIS 2012 (XXI Brazilian Symposium on Articial Intelligence - SBIA; XII Brazilian Symposium on Neural Network - SBRN and IX Encontro de Inteligencia Articial - ENIA 2012. October 21, 2012 Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
39 José Maria Martins, " An economical model for dumping in a duopoly market", Comunicação oral realizada na International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA2012), Barcelona, Julho de 2012.
40 José Fernando Gonçalves, "A biased random key genetic algorithm for the 2D and 3D bin packing problem", EURO XXV – 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lituânia, 8 – 11 de Julho de 2012.
41 José Fernando Gonçalves, "Automatic Generation of Heuristics for the On-line 1D Bin Packing Problem with Biased Random Key Genetic Programming", 9th ESICUP Meeting (The EURO Special Interest Group on Cutting and Packing), La Laguna, Tenerife, Espanha, 21-22 de Março de 2012.
42 Rita P. Ribeiro, "Towards Utility Maximization in Regression", IEEE ICDM Workshop on Cost Sensitive Data Mining (COSTS 2012).
43 João Mendes Moreira, "the Rapid Miner Community Meeting and Conference", RCOMM 2012, Budapest – Hungary, August 28-31, 2012.
44 R. M. A. Silva, M. G. C. Resende, P. M. Pardalos, José Fernando Gonçalves, "Biased random-key genetic algorithm for bound-constrained global optimization", GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION WORKSHOP 2012, 133-136

Comunicações (Orais) em Encontros Científicos Nacionais

1 Bruno M. P. M. Oliveira, R. Poínhos, C. Afonso, B. Franchini, V. H. Teixeira, P. Moreira, C. Durão, O. Pinho, D. Silva, J. P. L. Reis,M. T. Veríssimo, F. Correia, M. D. V. Almeida, "Avaliação estato-ponderal de crianças e adolescentes numa amostra representativa da população portuguesa", [Oral]. 9.º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação, 16-17 Out 2012, Porto, Portugal.
2 XVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados, Vila Real, 6 a 9 Abril de 2011. Título: Análise de Variância Dual (com Gomes, P.).
3 Paula Brito, M. Chavent, “Classificação Divisiva para Dados de Valores Intervalo e Histograma". XX Annual Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Porto, Portugal, September 26th to 29th, 2012.
4 Paula Brito, G. Polaillon, “Classificação Conceptual com Generalização de Intervalos”. XIX Journeys of Classification and Data Analysis (JOCLAD2012), Tomar, Portugal, March 2012.
5 Paula Brito, M. Chavent, “Divisive Monothetic Clustering for Interval and Histogram-Valued Data”. ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Vilamoura, Portugal, February 6th-8 th, 2012.
6 "Uma aproximação recursiva para a distribuição quase-estacionária em modelos epidemiológicos", realizada no XX Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Porto, Setembro de 2012.

Capítulos em Livro

1 Patricia Alves, Pedro Campos, E. Oliveira, "Determinants of the trustworthiness of a supplier in a B2B relationship for Modeling Suppliers in a Virtual Enterprises’ Platform", in Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 380, Springer, pp 675-686, 2012
2 J. Figueiredo, Pedro Campos, "Estimation of Underrepresented Strata in Preelection Polls: A Comparative Study, Recent Developments", in Modeling and Applications in Statistics, Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, pp 47-57, 2012
3 A. Astorino, I. M. Bomze, Paula Brito, M. Gaudioso, “Two-Sphere Separation Procedures via Non-Smooth Optimization”, In Recent Advances in Nonlinear Optimization and Equilibrium Problems: a Tribute to Marco D’Apuzzo, V. De Simone, D. di Serafino, G. Toraldo (Eds.), Quaderni di Matematica, Dipartimento di Matematica della Seconda Universita' di Napoli, Vol. 27, Aracne, ISBN 978-88-548-5687-5, 2012
4 Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, F.A.C.C. Fontes, A. Caldeira, ``Optimal formation Switching with collision avoidance and allowing variable agent velocities'', in Dynamics of Information Systems: Mathematical Foundations, A. Sorokin, R. Murphey, M. T. Thai, P. M. Pardalos (eds.) Springer, Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 20,  pp. 165-179. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3906-6 11,  Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012.