Publications in 2007 or before in Web/Text Mining
Fabrice Colas, Pavel Paclík, Joost N. Kok, P. Brazdil: Does SVM Really Scale Up to Large Bag of Words Feature Spaces? Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VII, 296-307, 2007
- Carmen Rebelo, Pedro Quelhas Brito, Carlos Soares, Alipio M. Jorge, Quantitative Evaluation of Clusterings for Marketing Applications: a Web Portal Case Study, Progress In Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshops (EPIA 2007), Springer LNCS Volume 4874, page 437--448 - December 2007
João P. Cordeiro, Gaël Dias, Pavel Brazdil: New Functions for Unsupervised Asymmetrical Paraphrase Detection, Journal of Software, Volume 2, Number 4, page 12--23 - October 2007 [DBLP]
João P. Cordeiro, Gaël Dias, G. Cleuziou: Biology Based Alignments of Paraphrases for Sentence Compression, Proceedings of the Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing (ACL-PASCAL), in the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2007) - June 2007
João P. Cordeiro, Gaël Dias, Pavel Brazdil: A Metric for Paraphrase Detection, Proceedings of the 2nd International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI 2007) - March 2007
João P. Cordeiro, Gaël Dias, Pavel Brazdil: Unsupervised Learning of Paraphrase: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLING 2007) - February 2007
João P. Cordeiro, Gaël Dias, Pavel Brazdil: Learning Paraphrases from WNS Corpora, Proceedings of the 20th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2007), page 193--198 - May 2007 [DBLP]
Patil, K. and Brazdil, P., SumGraph: Text Summarization using Centrality in the Pathfinder Network, International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2(1), pp. 18--32, 2007.
Patil, K., Brazdil, P., Text Summarization: using Centrality in the Pathfinder Network, IADIS Int. Conf. on Applied Computing 2007, Salamanca, Spain, 2007. (outstanding paper award)
Carmen Rebelo, Pedro Quelhas Brito, Carlos Soares, Alipio M. Jorge, Quantitative Evaluation of Clusterings for Marketing Applications: a Web Portal Case Study, Progress In Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshops (EPIA 2007), Springer LNCS Volume 4874, page 437--448 - December 2007
Nuno Escudeiro, Alipio M. Jorge, Semi-automatic creation and maintenance of Web Resources with webTopic, Semantics, Web and Mining - Proceedings of the Joint International Workshop on European Web Mining Forum (EWMF 2005) and the Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies (KDO 2005), Springer LNCS, Volume 4289, page 82--102 - 2006
Ana Costa e Silva, Alipio M. Jorge, Luís Torgo, Design of an end-to-end method to extract information from tables International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Volume 8, Number 2-3, page 144--171 - June 2006
F. Colas, P. Brazdil: On the Behavior of SVM and Some Older Algorithms in Binary Text Classification Tasks, in Text, Speech and Dialog, LNCS, Vol. 4188, pp. 45-52, SpringerLink, 2006.
Ana Costa e Silva, Alípio Jorge, Luís Torgo, Design of an end-to-end method to extract information from tables, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Carlos Soares, Alípio Jorge, and Marcos Aurélio Domingues, Monitoring the Quality of Meta-Data inWeb Portals Using Statistics, Visualization and Data Mining, Proceedings of EPIA 2005, LNCS, Vol. 3808, pp 371 - 382, Springer, December 2005
Cordeiro, J., Brazdil, P.: Learning Text Extraction Rules, without Ignoring Stop Words. in the 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems - PRIS 2004; pp. 128-138. (CI - DBLP)