Hall of Fame
Recent Prizes:
- Best demo presentation at ECIR-2019, 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval, was attributed to Arian Pasquali, Vítor Mangaravite, Ricardo Campos, Alípio Jorge and Adam Jatowt for "Interactive System for Automatically Generating Temporal Narratives".
- Recognized reviewer award attributed to Ricardo Campos for his activities at ECIR-2019, 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval.
- Pavel Brazdil was awared the title Emeritus Professor, a title attributed to Professors who have been prominent for their high contributions to the University of Porto.
Best paper award was attributed at I Workshop en Deep Learning (DeepL 2018) associated with CAEPIA 2018 to Brais Cancela, Verónica Bolón-Canedo, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, João Gama for the work “Uso de técnicas de Saliency para Selección de Características”.
Best student runner up paper at ECMLPKDD 2018 was attributed to Richard Moulton (collaborator of LIAAD), H. Viktor, N. Jakpowicz, J. Gama for the paper entitled Clustering in the Presence of Concept Drift.
- Best short paper was awarded to Ricardo Campos, Vítor Mangaravite, Arian Pasquali, Alípio M Jorge, Célia Nunes, and Adam Jatowt for paper entitled The Text Feature Based Automatic Keyword Extraction Method for Single Documents at the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2018).
- 1st place within prizes Arquivo.pt 2018 in relation to a new portuguese aggregatory news platform attributed to Ricardo Campos, Arian Pasquali, Vitor Mangaravite, Alípio Jorge and Adam Jatwot at an event of Ciência 2018.
- 2017 Arab American University Award For Excellence In Scientific Research was awarded to Abedelrahim Mousa and Alberto Pinto for the paper Geometric approaches and bifurcations in the Dichotomous decision model.
- Best student paper was awarded to Vitor Cerqueira, Luis Torgo, Fábio Pinto, Carlos Soares for paper Arbitrated Ensemble for Time Series Forecasting at ECML/PKDD 2017.
- 2nd place in the Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2017 competition in the category of PhD theses was awarded the PhD thesis of Nuno Moniz entitled Prediction and Ranking of Highly Popular Web Content.
- The Carl H. Smith Best Student Paper Award attributed to Pedro M Pereira, Rita Ribeiro and João Gama for Failure Prediction - an Application in the Railway Industry, at Int. Conf. on Discovery Science 2014.
- PhD thesis winner of the Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2013, Ricardo Campos, Disambiguating Implicit Temporal Queries for Temporal Information Retrieval Applications, supervised by Alípio Jorge and Gael Dias (Un. Base Normandie).
- Best Ph.D. Academic Work awarded to Pedro Rodrigues at CONET/EWSN 2011. The Ph.D. was supervised by João Gama.
- Honorable Mention at the national contest Concurso Nacional de Trabalhos de Licenciatura em Inteligência Artificial 2009 - TLeIA 2009, awarded to the work "Automatic Email Organization", developed by Ludimila Gabriel under her MSc thesis. Supervisor:Nuno Escudeiro.
- Menção Honrosa nas Jornadas de Medicina da Primavera 2007, pelo trabalho Quality of Life after Intensive Care: A Bayesian Approach, Claudia Dias, João Gama, Cristina Granja.
- Second Best Paper Award, Electricity Load Forecast using Data Streams Techniques at 1st Int. Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (Sensor-KDD '07), João Gama, Pedro Rodrigues. Award given by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- Outstanding Paper Award for the work on “Text Summarization: Using Centrality in the Pathfinder Network”, by Kaustubh Patil and P.Brazdil at IADIS Int. Conf. Applied Computing, Salamanca, 2007.
- Best Student Paper attributed to Rita Ribeiro and Luís Torgo at The Ninth International Conference on Discovery Science (DS-2006), Barcelona 2006. The Carl Smith Student Award, sponsored by Yahoo! Research.
- Best M.Sc. dissertation CTDIA'2006: Hierarchical Clustering of Time Series Data Streams; Pedro Rodrigues; Supervisors João Gama, João P, Pedroso, U. Porto.
- Prémio Pfizer 2006 for the work on Clinical Research “Novel Retinal Mechanism Underlying Genetically Determined Neural Dysfunction in William-Beuren Syndrome”; Prize attributed to 8 authors including Ana Raquel Sebastião who was at the time at Instituto Biomédico de Investigação da Luz e Imagem, Coimbra.
- Best Paper Award for work on Learning with Drift Detection, J. Gama, G. Castillo, P.Medas, P.Rodrigues; at XVII Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, 2004.