João Gama
Full Professor
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support,
and Faculty of Economics,
University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
I'm a researcher at LIAAD - INESC TEC, the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support of the University of Porto.
I'm a Fellow of EurIA, the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (since 2020); and Fellow of IEEE (since 2021),
Scientific interests are:
- Machine Learning
- Learning from Data Streams
- Ensembles of Classifiers
- Constructive Induction
- Probabilistic Reasoning
FCT Public key: J00878283U64
Publications at DBLP
Google Scholar
ACM Digital Library
Recent Books
Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams J. Gama (2010), Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (pdf)
Current Projects
- MAESTRA - Learning from Massive, Incompletely annotated, and Structured Data
- Knowledge Discovery from Ubiquitous Data Streams (PTDC/EIA/098355/2008)
Current Activities
- Organizing DSAA 2021, Porto
- Keynote Speaker, CAEPIA 2018, Granada Spain
- Member of IEEE CIS Technical Committee on Data Mining
- Keynote Speaker, DMKD 2018, Beijing, China
- Program Chair DSAA 2017; EPIA 2017
- Plenary talk at BRACIS 2016, Recife, Brazil
- Plenary talk at HAIS 2016, Seville, Spain
- Organizing ECMLPKDD 2015, Porto
- Tutorial IEEE BigData 2014, BigData Stream Mining, Washington DC
- Keynote Speaker, ICT 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia
- Keynote Speaker, ICAIS 2014, Bournemouth, UK
- Keynote Speaker, ICSS 2014 Madeira, 2014
- Keynote Speaker, Turning Data into Value, Eidhoven, 2013
- Keynote Speaker New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns, Prague, 2013
- Keynote Speaker International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering, Beijing 2013
- Workshop chair Ubiquitous Data Mining @ IJCAI 2013
- Invited Speaker 100 Years of Alan Turing and 20 years of SLAIS, Slovenia, 2012
- Lecturer Resource-aware Machine Learning - International Summer School 2012, Dortmund
- Invited Speaker 36th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society, Germany
- Keynote Speaker From Data to Knowledge: Machine Learning with Real-time and Streaming Applications, Berkeley, US
- Conference chair Intelligent Data Analysis 2011, Porto, Portugal
- Track chair Data Streams Track @ ACM SAC 2015
PhD Students:
- Thiago Andrade, MAPi, University of Porto
- Mário Cordeiro, University of Porto
- Shazia Tabassum, PRODEI, University of Porto
- Sofia Fernandes, PDMA, University of Porto
Former Students:
- Fabíola Fernandes, Universidade da Uberlândia, Brasil
- Maria do Carmo Sousa, FEP, University of Porto
- Marcia Oliveira, University of Porto
- Elaine Faria, USP, Brasil
- Luis Matias, PRODEI, University of Porto
- Hadi Fanaee, MAPi, University of Porto
- Carlos Ferreira, University of Porto
- Raquel Sebastiao, PDMA, University of Porto
- Petr Kosina, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Rosane Maffei, ICMC, USP
- Elena Ikonomovska, Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Gladys Castillo, University of Aveiro
- Eduardo Spinosa, University of Parana, Brasil
- Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, University of Porto
Member of the Editorial Board: Machine Learning Journal, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Intelligent Data Analysis and New Generation Computing, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge and Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Member of APPIA (Associacão Portuguesa para a Inteligencia Artificial), IEEE, SIGAPP and SIGKDD
LIAAD-INESC Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378
4200-378 Porto, Portugal
Phone : (+351) 222 094 000
Fax : (+351) 222 094 050